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Thursday, February 3, 2011


Tiny Tim
I had a local “comedy” radio show with a bevy of artists, musicians, jugglers, writers, performers, poets, and pals at the close of the last century in San Francisco. We did it for six years and although it was more fun than funny, we did have a few good bits and they liked us enough to keep us on the air.  
I was always looking for wacky stuff to include on our show so I would go to different bars, concerts, and parties. Depending upon how much I had to drink, I would approach the performers and say “I’ve got a radio show and If you have tape (pre-CD days), I’d really like to put some of your material on.” Sometimes it actually worked.
One of the occasional guests on the show was this guy who calls himself the Duke of Uke. He, obviously, plays the ukulele and he’s really good. The Duke would play covers by bands such as the Sex Pistols and Nirvana but he was, as any self respecting ukulele musician would be, a fan of Tiny Tim.
Tiny Tim was playing at the Great American Music Hall so I thought I should invite the Duke of Uke to come along and see if I could try my back-stage strategy of “I have a radio show”. After a few hot toddies, I gave it a shot. I asked The Duke to bring his uke and join me and see if we could finagle Tiny’s autograph.  The radio line worked and they let us enter the inner sanctum. Tiny was sitting on a comfy couch and surrounded by several adoring and rather attractive women. Tiny was cautious when I introduced myself and he was eating grapes. The Duke stood in awe. I explained why I was there and the Duke extended his uke. Tiny relaxed and was thrilled that he had a ukulele musician there. Without hesitation, he signed it. He didn’t say much but when he did it was in his Tiny Tim voice. The Duke and I met the King of the Ukulele.
I wish I had had a conversation with him but I was kinda stunned that we actually got back stage to see him.

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