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Thursday, February 3, 2011


Neal Schon
Back in 1994 or so, I used to hang out in San Rafael, California. There's a little bar there called T&T's...it's a little hole in the wall.
Anyway, one night I went in to have a beer...and a guy came in and sat next to me. I immediately recognized him, it was Neal Schon....an excellent guitar player in bands as early as the 60's, when he was a member of Santana, but more commercially known when he was the lead guitarist of Journey, a popular band in the 70's and 80's....
So I was sitting there just having a pint of Sierra Nevada, then he comes in and plops down next to me...I looked over and wow! that was him! I totally recognized him from the live shows and videos, but here he was, just a regular guy at a bar...and he WAS a regular...he was pals with the bartender and he gave him a cassette tape, "Well I'm just shopping it around."
There was a baseball game going on at the time which made me look in his direction, in the direction of the tv. At the corner of my eye I would see him glance over and realize I was watching the game..not him...It was at this time that I just wanted to lean over say, "Hey are you the guitarist in Journey? I just wanted you to know that I'm a big fan of yours, I think you're a great guitarist, I love your music, not just with Journey, but your solo stuff too" ....
BUT NOOO! At that moment I also thought, okay well maybe he just wants to be left alone, this guy is a 'rock star' after all and likes to come to this hole-in-the-wall...so I didn't say a word, I was too shy. So I finished my beer and left.
I consider myself pretty socially adroit , I can get along with anyone...but...think of anyone who has ever considered themselves 'shy' in certain situations and then multiply it by ten....
I think me and Neal would have had a cool conversation....

1 comment:

  1. Carlos Santana use to stop in where I use to work where they made T-shirts for concerts. he always stop in 15 minutes before a deadline. Although he was one of the nicest guys you ever could meet, I couldn't engage him in a conversation for fear of getting fired for missing a deadline. I always regretted that.
